Make art

You may have the feeling of being lost at some point in your life.

Art could be one of those things that could help you get back on track.
What is art?

Art is a gift. A miracle. Art allows connecting with people. Art can change you. Art is a human ability to make difference.

To me, art may not be just paintings, fine art photographs or books. Art is something any of us is capable to do. Art is influencing each other to create something new. Art could be going out to Dartmoor with a bunch of photographers and take shots you would otherwise not have taken. Every interaction with a person is an opportunity to create, to change our lives. That is what art means to me.

As Seth Godin wrote in his eBook “Brainwashed – Seven Ways to Reinvent Yourself”, art is a risky think. As an artist, you expose yourself to the rest of us who may or may not care about you. Your art may not touch us, we may not appreciate what you have created. We may laugh at you.

Art could be going out to Dartmoor with a bunch of photographers and take shots you would otherwise not have taken. Every interaction with a person is an opportunity to create, to change our lives. That is what art means to me.

It is that risk, however, that is worth the reward. Art is one of the few things in our lives that does make sense. Imagine going to work every day for your entire life. Obey the orders from your boss. Conform. Fit in. Day by day. Nine to five. What is that you created? What’s your legacy after you’ve spent your entire career doing your conforming day job?

There’s one risk worth taking. Leave the job. Don’t wait until the younger, more eager one and the most conforming one replaces you. Start doing what you care about. Make art.

Don’t waste your time you have left to live in our world. Go ahead and write a book if that is what you want to do. Make paintings. Make photographs. Or start a community. Find your cause, be it environment, caring for elderly or disabled people or caring for animals.

Start a project, or a company that adds real value, gives people opportunity to create and to be creative.

Make art.